BSU Campus Delayed Opening

Due to inclement weather, Bowie State University's campus will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, February 6, 2025. Classes taking place before 10 a.m. will be virtual. Essential personnel should report on time. All other staff scheduled to work on Thursday should begin at 10 a.m.

A Message from the President

 November 2, 2020

Participating in this Historic Election

We are one day away from a historic election day in the United States of America. We have already heard about a record number of Americans participating in this election process. As a public university and the first HBCU in Maryland, it is incumbent upon each one of us in the Bowie State University community to exercise our right to vote as citizens of our great nation.

If you have not already done so during this election, please ensure that you embrace the voting rights for which our ancestors have struggled and fought hard to achieve. Last week’s COVID-19 announcement provided the logistics around the election process underway here at BSU, including details about election day and the polling site at the Leonidas S. James Physical Education Complex tomorrow. Classes will be held as scheduled.

Please adhere to the guidelines to ensure accessibility for those visitors coming on to the campus to exercise their right to vote without any impediments. Each one us has a responsibility to support a free and open election process. 

In the tradition of Bowie State University, we welcome all visitors to the campus with a warm hello. Should you find a first-time visitor lost and in need of assistance, please make sure to greet and help direct them to the polling site. As we will have many visitors coming to the campus leading up to and on election day, you are reminded to carry your university ID while on campus. Should something seem out of the norm of expectations, you are asked to notify BSU Campus Safety at 301-860-4040. Please remember if you see something, say something! We all want to ensure a welcoming, safe and supportive environment during this election process.

Thank you to the faculty, staff and students who have organized and implemented programs during the semester focused on this year’s election, helping to educate and raise awareness about election issues and process. I encourage every member of our university community to continue your due diligence as a citizen and to stay engaged in our democracy and the governance of our country beyond the tomorrow’s election.

Regardless of the outcome, we are one campus community here for the common good to contribute to an equitable, fair and just society. We are Bowie Bold! Vote!!!