Bulldog Cyber Scholarship

NSF CyberCorps® Scholarship for Service (SFS)
The federal CyberCorps® Scholarship for Service (SFS) Program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, is dedicated to recruiting and training the next generation of cybersecurity professionals, to meet the needs of the cybersecurity mission for Federal, State, local, and tribal governments.
The Department of Computer Science at Bowie State University is a proud participant in the CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service (SFS) program.
About the Scholarship
Starting Spring 2023, Bowie State University, Department of Computer Science was awarded a $2,099,963M grant (over five years) by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) to launch the Bulldog Scholarship program, an innovative program to build a diverse talent pipeline for the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.
The Bulldog Cyber Scholarship program will recruit, educate, mentor, and train three Computer Science majors, two transfers from community colleges, and women in particular, each year, for a period of five years.
The scholars will pursue a BS in Computer Science with a Cybersecurity Focus, experience a rich array of coursework, and participate in a rigorous mentoring and training program in cybersecurity that includes research programs, mentoring sessions, and exposure to experts in cybersecurity. In addition, the program will require scholars to participate in the Cyber Warrior Diversity CompTIA security certification program.
Scholarship for Service Program benefits include:
- Up to three years of support for undergraduate and graduate education
- Stipends of $25,000 per academic year for undergraduate students and $34,000 per year for graduate students
- Tuition and education-related fees (excluding meal plans, housing, and parking)
- Professional allowance of $6,000 per academic year for the job fair and other travel, and professional development
- Access to the CyberCorps® Scholarship for Service Job Fair, where scholarship recipients meet Federal or State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial government employment recruiters
- Summer internships, typically paid, with a government organization
- Receive hands-on experience in a post-graduation government service requirement for a period of time equivalent to the scholarship
Applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- United States citizen or permanent legal resident
- Full-time student Computer Science major with a Cybersecurity Focus or transferring into the Computer Science program at Bowie State University from a community college
- Able to pass federal government job screening requirements and background check
- Minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA
- Commitment to government service for the period equal to the length of the scholarship
SFS Scholar Obligations and Employment Opportunities
Recipients of the scholarship are expected to meet the following requirements:
- Maintain full-time student status at BSU without pursuing or holding any outside employment
- Concentrate in an area of study related to Cybersecurity
- Maintain compatibility with federal agency requirements (e.g., no drugs, felonies, etc.)
- Participate in required events within the program (e.g., job fairs, professional development, etc.)
- Gain an internship at a government agency during the summer
- After graduation, secure a full-time job in federal, state, local, or tribal government for a period of time commensurate with the number of years the scholarship is awarded
Students can apply for any position that includes duties in Cybersecurity at a Federal, State, Local or Tribal Government organization, Independent Agency, Government Corporation, Commission, or Quasi-Official Agency. Positions may be secured to meet obligations at a National Laboratory, a Federally Funded Research Development Center, or other approved organization on a limited basis. If students are unsure as to whether a particular position meets program requirements, they should contact the SFS Program Office at sfs@opm.gov for verification.
Application Information
Applications are due on February 15, 2025.
We are recruiting now for students who will begin their junior or senior year of undergraduate education in Fall 2023. To apply for the scholarship, please submit the following materials:
- Resume highlighting any education and work experience relevant to cybersecurity, awards, honors, and extracurricular activities
- 500-word essay stating long-term career goals and commitment to serving the government
- Two reference contacts should include a faculty member of a course you have taken at BSU
- Unofficial transcript
Contact Information
For more information about this scholarship program, please contact the cssfs@bowiestate.edu or attend one of the Q&A sessions which will be scheduled throughout the semester.
You are also encouraged to visit the CyberCorps®: Scholarship For Service official website, hosted by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.