Feb 1 2022

Lunch & Learn: The Value of Student Activism Today

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

In honor of Black History Month, the Office of Multicultural Programs and Services in partnership with the Eta Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. will reflect on North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (HBCU) Greensboro Four student activism. 

62 years ago on February 1, 1960, in Greensboro, North Carolina, four A&T freshmen students, Ezell Blair, Jr. (Jibreel Khazan), Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil, and David Richmond walked downtown and “sat - in” at the "whites" only lunch counter at Woolworth’s. They refused to leave when denied service and stayed until the store closed.

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the Greensboro Four and their methods and
  2. Build and support a position using evidence on a current issue involving injustice. 

Limited lunch will be provided for participants on campus at the end of the program. 

Join the Zoom meeting here.




Dr. Keadrick Peters

Phone: 301-860-3916
Website: https://bowiestate.zoom.us/j/81620912594?pwd=TER2aGNFMUJTdUFNMTE0VzNCUXdnQT09