Self-Study Design & Standards Workgroups


Self-Study Design and Process

The Middle States Self-Study process provides an opportunity for Bowie State to demonstrate that the University meets the Standards of Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation, and to self-examine what the university does well and where there are opportunities for improvement.

The Self-Study Design was selected by Middle States as a model of excellence and shared with other institutions attending the Middle States 2019 Self-Study Institute.

The workgroups will apply the “Standards-Based Approach” in the review and evaluation of compliance for each standard. The application of three institutional priorities of academic excellence, student success, and viability of the university will be included in the charge for each standards-based workgroup. The theme for the Self-Study process is Racing to Reaffirmation which is a deliberate link to the current strategic plan. During the self-study process, Bowie State will examine not only the specific requirements of each standard, but also the activities that advance academic excellence, innovation, and student success - key elements of the strategic plan. Undergoing a productive and inclusive self-study will reinforce the impact Bowie State has on the surrounding community, external partnerships, and its mission to empower a diverse population of students as they prepare for careers, lifelong learning, and civic responsibility.

Self-Study Work Group Co-Chairs

Requirements of Affiliation
Ms. Maisha Ali - Assistant Registrar, Office of the University Registrar
Ms. Deborah Stanley - Director, Financial Aid Office

Standard 1 - Mission and Goals 
Dr. Alan J. Anderson - Associate Professor, Natural Sciences
Dr. Sean Coleman - Assistant Professor, Educational Studies and Leadership

Standard 2 - Ethics and Integrity
Mr. Jerry Isaac - Director, Continuing Education
Dr. Enoch Osei - Assistant Professor, Accounting, Finance and Economics

Standard 3 - Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience
Dr. David Basena - Department Chair and Professor, Language, Literature & Cultural Studies
Dr. Sunando Sengupta - Professor, Accounting, Finance and Economics

Standard 4 - Support of the Student Experience
Dr. Janeula Burt - Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership
Dr. Renee Foose - Associate Professor, Educational Studies and Leadership

Standard 5 - Educational Effectiveness Assessment   
Dr. Tanya Brice - Dean, College of Professional Studies
Dr. Ann Hillard - Assistant Professor, Educational Studies and Leadership

Standard 6 - Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement 
Mr. Michael Atkins - Assistant Vice President    Administration and Finance
Dr. Erica Hernandez - Assistant Professor, Psychology

Standard 7 - Governance, Leadership and Administration
Dr. Dorsha Goodman - Coordinator, Academic Advising Center
Dr. Benjamin Arah - Associate Professor, History and Government