VIII - 1.20 - Policy on the Disposal of Surplus Property

I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide instructions for the disposal of surplus property owned by Bowie State University. The authority for disposing of surplus property is vested in the President of Bowie State University who has delegated this authority to the Director of Procurement. No property may be disposed of without the written authorization of the Director of Procurement. Property may be declared surplus when the need for the item no longer exists.

II. Applicability

A. Scope

This policy is applicable to all academic and administrative units of the University which have equipment owned by the University. The head of each unit is that unit's Property Accountable Officer and is responsible for the care, control, maintenance and safeguard of all property entrusted to his/her care, regardless of its value.

B. Eligibility

This policy applies to every employee of the University, every contractor to the University and every sub-contractor to the University.

C. Responsibility

1. It is the responsibility of the Property Accountable Officer (PAO) to:

a) Notify Material Management of a request to dispose of surplus property in writing;

b) Provide all details regarding the item to be disposed;

c) Update departmental records for all disposals;

d) Maintain documentation of all property disposals.

2. It is the responsibility of Material Management staff to:

a) Complete the Property Control Action Request Form (PCAR) when notified by a departmental PAO;

b) Schedule surplus property for pick up;

c) Pick up surplus property from the requesting department;

d) Determine property status-(Functional Damaged Unusable);

e) Update property control records for all capital property;

f) Determine disposal method or storage location;

g) Arrange for disposal/storage of surplus property.

3. It is the responsibility of the Director of Procurement to report surplus property disposals to the President of the Bowie State University annually.

III. Guidelines and Standards

A. No property can be disposed of without the express permission of the Director of Procurement.

B. Equipment that contains hazardous substances, (ex. copiers, refrigerators, freezers, printers, air conditioners, etc.) have special disposal requirements that may necessitate a charge to the last department having custody of the equipment. Therefore, the department should always ask the vendor for a trade-in (if the item is a replacement of existing equipment) or to provide removal as a condition of sale.

C. Surplus personal property shall be disposed of :

1. by trading,

2. by selling it (including auction),

3. by transferring it (with proper documentation of transfer) to another department or institution within the University System, a non-profit organization, the State, or a local government,

4. by dismantling it for recovery of parts, or

5. if no value can be realized, by destroying it.

D. Disposal of personal property originally procured with Federal grant funds shall be in accordance with the terms of the Federal grant.

E. Surplus items that are sold are offered on an "as is, where is" basis. University and State employees and member of their immediate families are eligible to acquire surplus property at public auction or at an appraised value with the approval of their department head and the Director of Procurement.

F. Items lost or stolen are not to be classified as surplus property.

G. Individuals who have control of property cannot bid on property they have declared to surplus.

H. Items that are no longer needed by one department will be assessed every six months and offered to other departments prior to disposal as described in III. C. above.

IV. Results

Bowie State University will maximize the use of all equipment. All equipment disposals will be approved and documented. The documentation will be retained on file within the department and, if capital equipment, in Material Management files.

V. Procedure

A. The document for scheduling removals is the Property Action Request (PCAR). This form is a pre-numbered form and must be controlled. For this reason, the form is completed by Property Control personnel.

B. Departments are to notify Material Management of the need to dispose of property by sending a written request.

C. Give a brief description of each item in your memorandum. Include the BSU tag number, quantity, serial number where applicable. State whether the item is functional, damaged, and/or unusable. Indicate the location of the item and its cost or value.

D. Upon receipt, Material Management staff will prepare a PCAR and schedule the item for pick up and storage and/or disposal.

E. When the item is received by Material Management, the Property Control Clerk will determine if the item is to be disposed of or stored for future use.

F. Upon completion of the action, the Property Accountable Officer (PAO) will be presented with a PCAR for signature and given a copy for the department's record.

G. Material Management will enter all changes and/or deletions for capital equipment into the Property Detail Report. Department are required to update departmental records for items under $500.00

Effective Date: 12/18/1995