Abstracts of Activities

Strengthening Academic Advising and Disability Support Services

Activity Director: Dr. Yvette Galloway

Academic Advising plays a critical role in promoting student success and helping to retain students through degree completion. It is the process between the student and advisor of exploring the value of general education, reviewing the services and policies of the institution, discussing educational and career plans, and making appropriate course selections. Professionals suggest academic advising is valuable because it is the only structured service at the University where the students have an on-going opportunity to have one-on-one contact with a representative of the institution. Disability Support Services ensures that students with disabilities have full access to all programs and services at the University. This office also seeks to educate faculty, staff, and administrators regarding disabilities to create higher sensitivity towards individuals who are disabled. 

Enhancing Academic Classroom Renovations and Upgrades

Activity Director: Chartez Bond

 Assess the capabilities of current technologies to promote efficiency and effectiveness in administrative and academic processes. Continue to develop a campus infrastructure and enhance student development, living and learning environments, and innovative instructional practices 

Enhancing Teacher Education Preparation

Activity Director: Dr. Lynn Long

 On April 23, 2019, the SBOE approved the adoption of the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT) and Pearson’s educative performance assessment, edTPA. Either of these tests will replace the current Praxis Principles for Learning and Teaching (PLT) assessments as the performance-based assessment required for ALL teaching licensure areas.  We chose edTPA because Maryland developed a state-wide collaborative known as the M.D. edTPA Collaborative, where support is given to those Universities new to edTPA. Additionally, we have been using Lesson cast for the past five years, which is a similar model to edTPA. The purpose of this framework is influenced by several factors, which include State policy, support systems for mentors, faculty, teacher candidates and supervisors, professional development for each entity, and curricular changes.

Enhancing Undergraduate Nursing 

Activity Director: Dr. Jacqueline Hill

The Professional Studies Undergraduate Nursing Support Program activity helps students develop meaningful educational plans that aid in retention and lead to timely graduation. Additionally, this activity will assist students in passing the nursing licensure exam, which will enable them to enter the workforce as Registered Nurses.  

Enhancing Undergraduate Research and Entrepreneurship Through Experiential Learning 

Activity Director: Dr. Anika Bissahoyo

The Undergraduate Research and Entrepreneurship Experience provides comprehensive support for undergraduate learning to meet the University’s goals to increase student preparation for the workforce and graduate studies. According to the Council for Undergraduate Research, student engagement in research and creative activities bring “in-demand” skills to the workplace. This activity will prepare students to engage in critical research and design thinking skills and support their involvement in mentoring faculty experiences during the academic year and in the summer through the summer and semester-based Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI), the Summer Launch, and other internships and initiatives. These activities open a new world to students who are accustomed to absorbing information rather than participating in its creation. The Undergraduate Research and Entrepreneurship Experience will offer professional exposure in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, entrepreneurship, and other areas traditionally underrepresented by Black Americans.