Durante Nick Purdie

I Hope You're Somewhere Healing

Thesis Statement

" I Hope You're Somewhere Healing," a photo series and zine for my Senior Thesis Exhibition presents the concept of healing through spiritual and exploration practices designated for black boys. Each different set represents seven colors, and the chakras responsible for complex energy that directly fixes emotions. More often, I see us hurting ourselves and others. When we surrender and acknowledge our trauma from white supremacy, homophobia, lack of love, and lack of representation, we can begin to collectively mobilize. Dedicated to the untold black boys seeking pictorial insight and my friends who have supported my journey; this isn't a step by step guide by an open plot for change to manifest.

  • Hello, I'm Nick Purdie. I have a B.S in Visual Communication, Digital media arts, with a concentration in Advertising Design. I have to experience raw emotions to create; without it, my work would not resonate with myself or others. "Culture is a reflection" it's supposed to let you in and see yourself in your work, the world, the universe, and that what allures me into my identity. I am from Baltimore, Maryland My profound love for illustrating, photography, and storytelling has gotten me recognized in the Baltimore Sun at a young age and published through Homie House Press. My natural visionary and detailed skills paired with my free-spirited attitude, allows me to be passionate and playful. Bowie State University has matured my creative powers, and now I am more energetic about creative direction, marketing, and product development. Please witness me on this quest.