Student Learning Committees

General Education Committee

The General Education Committee (GEC) was reconstituted in 2012.  It is responsible for leadership in developing the general education program (GEP), for reviewing and recommending courses for the GEP, recommending policies to support the GEP, and for assessing the GEP in conjunction with the AVP for Assessment.

Committee for Assessment of the Student Learning Experience

The University Student Learning Assessment Committee (USLAC) was formed in Fall 2009 and renamed in 2018 as the Committee for Assessment of the Student Learning Experience (CAStLE).  It is a standing Committee of the Faculty Senate and is responsible for leading all efforts with academic program assessment. Officers include: Charla McKinzie Bishop (Co-chair); Lucia Santa Cruz (Co-chair); Dawn Johnson Tate (Vice-chair); and Andrea Calloway (Secretary).

Assessment Coordinators (AC) are appointed annually by the academic departments from each college. Faculty can serve multiple years when appropriate. Click here for a current list of the ACs.