Department of Fine and Performing Arts

Asya Hunter

The Lotus

Thesis Statement

asya hunterSo, the theme of my collection is centered around the majestic lotus, which is where it gets its name from. The flower represents rebirth, perseverance, strength, and beauty. A quote that has always stuck with me by Suzy Kassem is “Whenever you should doubt your self-worth, remember the lotus flower…even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it to affect its growth or beauty.” I believe that women are like flowers, seemingly soft and delicate but actually resilient. For that reason, I encompassed small details of nature under the symbolism of the unique lotus flower in my line, like using real flower petals, recycled fabrics, and lotus-themed colors. The clothes were made to be elegant, flowy, and slightly extra for strong women who want to make a statement.

  • I am a fashion designer, fashion illustrator, and graphic designer. Most of my work encompasses the divine symbol of the lotus. I’ve learned over the years through self-growth that the lotus, like women, represent strength, beauty, and resilience.

     In my senior collection called “The Lotus” I created clothing that could render those features. You will notice lots of bright colors like green, pink, yellow, and purple included in the collection which are to help bring attention to the wearer. Those colors spark good moods which are positive qualities for those that hang around the wearer and the subject themselves. There are also lots of intricate ruffles and flared sleeves include in the clothes to help the wearer feel elegant which in turns helps boost their self-esteem. To create these ruffles, it takes a lot of patience and to make them look natural and not uniform I used the draping technique on a dress form. This way every fold is unique in their own way like I like to believe about my viewers.

    Overall, my concept is to create nature-themed art that functions as clothing. I aspire for those piece to allow women to know that they can be strong and beautiful even if they don't feel like it. I've heard one quote that's stayed with me forever and, it says that if you ever have a bad day where you don't feel well, dress twice as nice and it will make you not only look good but feel good as well. That's how I want my clothes to make their wearers feel.