Department of Fine and Performing Arts

Sharone Townsend

Stranger Than Nature

Thesis Statement

sharone townsendFor my Senior Collection I will be displaying a fashion line themed Urban-Environmentalist. What is an Urban-Environmentalist? It's exactly what it sounds like, someone who loves urban streetwear, but is also very much intrigued with the outdoors and the position of our planet. I started my own brand Stranger Than Nature to do so. Stranger Than Nature is a creative brand based on the outskirts of Washington D.C, who believes you can have many purposes in life. If you love fashion with a purpose and nature all the same, then you're one of us! With a binary design focus and Envirosafe motive, we focus our designs for the children encouraging them to recycle. However, we do put adult pieces out as well, so mom and dad won’t feel left out. This brand was inspired by nature and a colorful childhood. I grew up wanting to do everything that interested me, and as a result when I got of age decided to do just that.

  • I make my art for the rebellious nature lovers. My project approach is amazingly simple to bring more of an environmental perspective to streetwear clothing. The overall goal is to be as creative as possible and stay resourceful. My Capsule Collection Is titled, "Nature Lovers for my Senior Collection."

    Urban-Environmentalist is just exactly what it sounds like, someone who loves urban streetwear, but is also very much intrigued with the outdoors and the position of our planet.