Department of Language, Literature, & Cultural Studies
Dorothy Sizemore Smith
1914 - 1990
Professor Dorothy Sizemore Smith, a former faculty member in the Department of English and Modern Languages at Bowie State University, was distinguished for numerous achievements in civic, educational, religious, and humanitarian arenas. Trained and educated as a pianist, singer, language critic, humanist, and writer, she enjoyed a much deserved reputation as an incisive teacher, indefatigable researcher, effective interpreter and communicator, and inspired scholar who led and taught by way of example.
Pedro-Jose Vidal
1955 - 2005
Professor Pedro-Jose Vidal was a lecturer in Spanish at BSU for a decade (1995-2005). He was an ardent supporter of the university's goal of using technology in the classroom, and was instrumental in establishing the Modern Languages Laboratory. His commitment to the university was evidenced by his unrelenting service on several committees in the Department and the School of Arts and Sciences. Additionally, he was an active member of many civic organizations and societies.