Department of Management Information Systems
Research Projects and Publications
Sponsored Research
Five papers presented by two BSU faculty and four BSU students at the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE-2019) from September 30 to October 2 in San Diego, CA From Right: James Stigall (Doctoral Candidate in Department of Computer Science), Dr. Sharad Sharma (Professor in Department of Computer Science), Dr. Azene Zenebe (Professor and Chair of Department of Management Information Systems), Sri Teja Bodempudi (Doctoral Student in Department of Computer Science), and Dr. Timothy Oladunni (BSU graduate: now Assistant Professor in CSIT at University of the District of Columbia).
Two BSU faculty Members (Dr. Sharad Sharma, Professor in Department of Computer Science and Dr. Azene Zenebe, Professor and Chair of Department of Management Information Systems), two BSU current doctoral students (James Stigall and Sri Teja Bodempudi) and two graduated BSU doctoral students (Dr. Timothy Oladunni, Assistant Professor in CSIT at University of the District of Columbia, and Dr. Sarika Rajeev, Adjunct Faculty in CS at BSU) had their papers presented at the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE-2019) from September 30 to October 2 in San Diego, CA, USA.
Dr. Azene Zenebe (Professor and Chair of Department of Management Information Systems) serving as a panelist for the CAINE-SEDE Joint Session on Cybersecurity
During the conference Dr. Azene Zenebe served as a panelist for the Panel: Issues in and Alternative Design Approaches for Security in Cyberspace along with other experts from Florida State University, San Diego State University, North Dakota State University and Naval Information Warfare Center -NIWC- Pacific.
Dr. Sharad Sharma, Professor in Department of Computer Science at BSU receiving the award for being the Program Chair for the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2019)
Dr. Sharad Sharma served as the Program Chair for the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2019) in San Diego, CA, USA on September 30 - October 2, 2019. He was involved in organizing the conference as well as selecting and presenting the best paper awards at the SEDE 2019 conference in San Diego, CA. He has previously also served as the Program Chair for SEDE 2018 and SEDE 2017 conferences earlier.
The following papers were presented and published in the peer reviewed SEDE 2019 Conference Proceedings:
- Bodempudi, Sri Teja, Sharma, Sharad, Sahu, Atma, Agrawal, Rajeev, "Human-Centric Situational Awareness and Big Data Visualization", Proceeding of ISCA 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2019) in San Diego, CA, USA, vol 64, pages 51--60, 2019.
- Oladunni, Timothy, Sharma, Sharad, "Homomorphic Encryption and Data Security in the Cloud", Proceedings of ISCA 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2019) in San Diego, CA, USA, vol 64, pages 129--138, 2019.
- Stigall, James, Sharma, Sharad, "Evaluation of Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Building Evacuation", Proceedings of ISCA 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2019) in San Diego, CA, USA, vol 64, pages 109--118, 2019.
- Rajeev,Sarika, Sharma, Sharad, "Motivational Game-Theme Based Instructional Module for Teaching Binary Tree and Linked List, Proceedings of ISCA 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2019) in San Diego, CA, USA , vol 64, pages 31--40, 2019.
- Azene Zenebe, Mufaro Shumba, Andrei Carillo and Sofia Cuenca, “Cyber Threat Discovery from Dark Web” Proceedings of ISCA 28th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2019) in San Diego, CA, USA , vol 64, Pages 174-183, 2019.
Information Assurance EducationTitle of Project: Master of Science in Information Assurance Program for BRAC
Sponsor: MHEC - FY 2009 BRAC Higher Education Investment Fund Grant
Project Director(s): Dr. David Anyiwo and Dr. Al Valbuena
Project members: Dr. Azene Zenebe, Coordinator of the Virtual Laboratory and academic program; and Dr. Fabio Chacon, Instructional Technology Coordinator
Integrating Usability and Accessibility in Information Assurance Education
Investigator(s): Jinjuan Feng jfeng@towson.edu
(Principal Investigator), Towson University - Mike O'Leary
(Co-Principal Investigator), Towson University - Jonathan Lazar (Co-Principal Investigator)
Towson University - Claude Turner (Co-Principal Investigator)
Bowie State University - Azene Zenebe (Co-Principal Investigator)
Sponsor: NSF (National Science Foundation)
We developed two sets of teaching materials for free download at http://triton.towson.edu/~uaia/uaia/. One set focuses on accessibility and Information Assurance, the other focuses on usability and Information Assurance. We invite faculty to share your materials via this website. We also invite faculty to share ideas and comments through the Discussion Board.