Department of Nursing
Student Nursing Organizations
What Is the Student Nurse Association (SNA)?
SNA is a pre-professional organization open to all nursing and pre-nursing Bowie State University students.
What Is the SNA Mission?
The mission of the Student Nurse Association is to:
- Provide support to nursing students and foster positive interaction among members, presenting an opportunity for students to network.
- Provide an opportunity to explore current issues in nursing.
- Provide a means of sharing information about association activities and other areas of interest.
- Provide a voice in governance in both the Nursing Department and the University.
- Provide an opportunity for University and community involvement.
Our mission is consistent with the goals of both the Department of Nursing and the University.
Why Should I Join SNA?
SNA provides students opportunities in service learning, scholarships, student leadership, and collaboration with faculty.
How Do I Join?
Please contact one of our Faculty SNA Advisors, Dr. Chizoba Anako at canako@bowiestate.edu or Dr. Celicia Little at clittle@bowiestate.edu to receive information regarding membership, meetings and events.
Additional important links:
Chi Eta Phi Sorority
Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. is an international organization of professional nurses and nursing students (male and female) with diverse cultural and educational backgrounds. There are more than 8,000 members that make up over 90 graduate chapters and 50 undergraduate chapters. Chapters are located in 26 states, the District of Columbia, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa. Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. is a national sorority of registered professional nurses and nursing students. Ms. Aliene C. Ewell organized the sorority on October 16, 1932 with the assistance of 11 other courageous registered nurses. The charter chapter, Alpha, was organized at Freedman's Hospital in Washington, DC, for two specific purposes: elevating the plane of nursing and increasing interest in the field of nursing.
Guided by the motto "Service for Humanity," the sorority has programs focusing on health promotion/disease prevention, leadership development, mentoring, recruitment and retention, and scholarships. These programs fulfill the five purposes of the sorority:
- To encourage continuing education among members of the nursing profession.
- To have a continuous recruitment program for nursing and the health professions.
- To stimulate a close and friendly relationship among the members.
- To develop working relationships with other professional groups for the improvement and delivery of health care services.
- To constantly identify a corps of nursing leaders within the membership who will function as agents of social change on the national, regional, and local level.
Lambda Phi Beta Chapter was organized on Saturday, May 6, 2006 at the Sheraton Columbia Hotel, Columbia, MD. It is the first undergraduate chapter of Lambda Phi Chapter and the first chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority Inc at Bowie State University. The 12 charter members of Lambda Phi Beta are Oyesola Akintan, Elyse B. Allen, Maia Barber, Shonté Calhoun Drakeford, Stephanie Gonyon, Brittani A. Haynes, Mesue Njie, Sonia Pak, Joaquilynn Rozario, Sally Sanu, Joyce Thompson, and Monique Whitney.
Lambda Phi Beta joins in the fight against health disparities by educating the community on health promotion and disease prevention. Some of the programs Lambda Phi Beta have participated in include Breast Cancer Awareness, Testicular Cancer Awareness, Blood Pressure Screenings, SIDS, Healthy Heart, etc. Lambda Phi Beta also provides toiletries and canned goods to the needy and raises funds for UNICEF and the American Heart Association.
Membership Requirements
To be become a member of Lambda Phi Beta of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. you must:
- Have been accepted in the accredited nursing program at Bowie State University
- Have a 2.5 grade point average
- Have at least 32 credits
Contact information
If you are interested in Lambda Phi Beta of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc, or would like to collaborate a program with Lambda Phi Beta, please send an email to lambdaphibeta@yahoogroups.com.